Is It Time for Your Annual Portfolio Review?

December 16, 2023 6分钟

希腊哲学家赫拉克利特曾经说过:“生活中唯一不变的是变化。.” His quotation rings true 2,500 years later: markets fluctuate, our lives change and our priorities shift. In this ever-changing world, 一年一度的投资组合回顾是一种检查你的长期目标和目标的聪明方法 revisit your budget and investment portfolio.

什么是an ? annual portfolio review?

Like an annual physical, your annual portfolio review can take place any time of the year; it’s meant to provide a look at your overall health – in this case, your financial health. Whether things seem “healthy” or not, 每年看看你的投资组合可以让你重新审视你的财务目标, whether it’s saving for a home, or for college and retirement.

你可以自己检查自己的财务状况, 但与财务顾问一起工作可以帮助你更好地了解市场趋势,以及如何为更富裕的未来最大化你的投资.


当你和你的财务顾问见面进行投资组合评估时,最好问问自己是否在正轨上,看看你的投资组合与整体金融市场相比如何, 比如S&P 500 for example.”

a是什么? financial advisor?

A financial advisor provides financial guidance to customers. Their services may include tax planning, wealth management, estate planning, and investment management. 财务顾问也会为你制定并实施投资策略, monitor your portfolio, and rebalance your assets as needed.

在与金融专业人士合作之前,确保他们是注册的. You can research their status on BrokerCheck,一个由金融业监管局(美国金融业监管局)维护的数据库。.

What to expect at an annual portfolio review

当你与财务顾问见面进行年度投资组合审查时, 问问自己是否在正轨上,看看你的投资组合与其他投资组合的表现如何,这是件好事. the overall market, 比如S&P 500 for example. 此外,最好带上你最近的财务文件 Jane Krueger,慢性疲劳综合症1 Financial Advisor at Patelco 信贷 Union. Here’s a list of what you might want to bring:

  • 最近的工资单(配偶双方,如适用)
  • 信贷 union and bank account statements
  • The latest statements from your:
    • 爱尔兰共和军s (Traditional, ROTH or educational)
    • SEP, SAR-SEP or Simple 爱尔兰共和军s
    • 雇主赞助的退休计划,如递延利润分享计划(DPSP)、RP或TAXCAP
    • 以前雇主赞助的退休计划,包括401(k)和HR-10基奥计划
    • brokerage accounts
    • mutual funds
    • other investment accounts
    • life insurance policies
    • long term insurance policies
  • Details about your current debts, including:
    • loan balance
    • current interest rate
    • monthly minimum payment
    • payoff date, if applicable
  • 任何其他对您当前或未来财务状况有重要意义的文件

Your investment plan and 生活事件 生活事件

Whether it’s your first meeting or your tenth, 您的年度投资组合审查将遵循类似的格式. 你的财务顾问会特别想知道你的生活中是否经历了重大的变化, 如:

  • Changed marital status
  • Had or adopted a child
  • Have a child starting or graduating college
  • Started a new job
  • Received a raise
  • 招收ed in a 401K
  • Opened an 爱尔兰共和军
  • Started your own business
  • Bought or sold a home
  • Finished paying off an 汽车贷款
  • 退休
  • Applied for Social Security
  • Disposed of financial assets
  • Acquired or inherited assets
  • Received an insurance settlement
  • Created or changed your will or trust
  • 是否有家庭成员去世或残疾

Other topics to discuss at your annual portfolio review

In addition to major 生活事件, 你的财务顾问可能想和你讨论以下话题:

  • 你的目标. 在过去的一年里,你的财务目标有什么变化? Whether you’re trying to buy a new home, paying for college, or estate planning, 你需要和你的导师讨论你当前的目标.
  • Monthly expenses. “Your budget changes every year, 所以我们会一直检查你每月的收入和支出,” says Krueger. 这不仅能让你的预算步入正轨,还有助于你的退休计划.
  • Retirement goals. 每年, 你和你的财务顾问会审查你的退休计划, consider your fixed monthly expenses, current values and your risk tolerance, 确保你仍在实现目标的轨道上. 根据你的年龄,你的顾问也可能会提出像长期护理这样的话题. 克鲁格说:“我们通常会和五六十岁的客户开始讨论这个问题。. 你可以和你的顾问一起决定自我保险(你投资的钱用于以后的长期护理)还是保险对你来说是更好的选择. “Self-insuring won’t be appropriate for everyone, 尤其是当你买不起或者你没有继承人的时候. 如果是这样的话,我们建议你用你的财产来支付这些费用.”
  • 保险 policies. 你的财务顾问可能会审查你的人寿保险选择,特别是如果你的家庭正在成长. 他们还想知道现有的保单是否即将到期或到期.
  • Your risk tolerance. Do market swings cause you anxiety? Are you approaching retirement? 与你的财务顾问分享这些信息可以帮助你创建一个适合你的个性和总体目标的投资组合.

每年花时间做一次财务检查是很重要的,以确保你的财务状况正常. 财务顾问可以帮助你完善你的投资组合,为未来做好准备,并在不太可能发生的情况下保护你所爱的人.

Patelco信用合作社的会员可免费获得 financial advisors through CUSO Financial Services, L.P. (CFS). 他们可以讨论你的独特需求,并制定一个计划,帮助你实现你的财务目标.

1 非存款投资产品和服务是通过CUSO Financial services, L.P. ("CFS"), a registered broker-dealer (Member 美国金融业监管局/SIPC) and SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Products offered through CFS: are not NCUA/NCUSIF or otherwise federally insured, 难道不是信用合作社的担保或义务吗, 并可能涉及投资风险,包括可能损失本金. 投资代表须透过中心注册. Patelco信用合作社已与CFS签订合同,为信用合作社成员提供非存款投资产品和服务.


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