路由# 321076470

你的旅游指南 常用退休帐户

2020年8月13日 7分钟

无论你是刚刚开始你的职业生涯,还是你已经在存钱了, 了解一下可供你选择的流行退休账户是件好事.

你有 储蓄和投资选择

虽然有几种主要的储蓄方式,但401(k)和个人退休账户是最受欢迎的两种. A 401(k) is a retirement plan usually offered through your employer, 而爱尔兰共和军是一个退休账户,你可以独立设立并为其捐款. 最后, you can always save money in a regular savings account, too – but that doesn’t have tax advantages so you won’t save up as much.

401(k) 计划

401(k)是一种由你的雇主为退休储蓄的方式,除非你的雇主提供401(k)账户,否则你通常无法拥有一个账户. Most 401(k)s are managed by companies themselves or investment groups, and most 401(k)s invest in the stock market, at least with a portion of the assets. 在一个典型的设置中, 你让你的雇主在你的工资总额中留出一定的百分比(即, your pay before taxes and other deductions), 比如8%. While there are no income limits for 401(k)s, 有供款限额-意思是你每年只能供款到最高金额. 向你的福利部门或税务顾问咨询有关最高限额的详细信息.

In many cases (but not all) your employer will match some of your contributions to a 401(k) account. 例如, 例如,一家公司可能会按你的工资的一定百分比与你进行一对一的匹配, 最高3%. 在这个场景中:

  • If you contributed 3% of $100 in wages to your 401(k), 你会得到6美元的存款到你的401(k)账户——3美元来自你的工资,3美元来自你的公司.
  • 如果你贡献了4%,你将从你的工资中得到7 - 4美元,从你的公司得到3美元.
  • 如果你贡献了2%,你将从你的工资中得到4 - 2美元,从你的公司得到2美元. 在最后一个例子中, 你失去了你的公司将提供的1美元,因为你选择只提供2%(而你的公司将匹配3%)。.

传统的 ira

传统爱尔兰共和军是你为退休而设立的特殊储蓄账户 at a financial institution like Patelco or at an investment brokerage. You can choose a variety of investments for your 传统的爱尔兰共和军, 包括股票, 债券, 交易所交易基金, share certificates and cash savings. 和所有ira一样, 传统ira are governed by specific regulations and tax laws, so it’s a bit different than a typical savings account. Patelco offers ira in several forms – you can talk to a CFS财务顾问1 了解更多. There are no income limits for 传统ira, 也就是说,不管你的年收入是多少,你都可以向他们捐款.

After you set up your 传统的爱尔兰共和军, 你可以做出贡献, 最高6美元,每年7万美元,如果你的年龄在50岁或50岁以上,那么你的收入是1000美元。. The cutoff date for contributions aligns with tax deadlines, so you have until tax day to make contributions for the previous year. When you make a contribution to a traditional 爱尔兰共和军, 你的贡献金额可能会减少你当年的应税收入——咨询你的投资顾问或税务顾问,看看你是否符合资格. 例如, 如果你的收入是70美元,000美元,你出资6美元,到传统爱尔兰共和军账户, then your taxable income that year will drop to $64,000 assuming you qualify for the deduction.

You can contribute pre-tax or after-tax dollars, 如果你的捐款是免税的,你可以立即享受税收优惠. 然后,你在传统爱尔兰共和军账户上的捐款将会延期纳税, meaning that you are only taxed on your earnings once you withdraw. You’ll pay ordinary income tax on these withdrawals. 请注意,提前提款可能会作为收入征税,还会被征收10%的国税局罚款.

罗斯 ira

罗斯个人退休账户与传统个人退休账户类似,但在税收方面有很大的不同. Only after-tax dollars may be contributed to a 罗斯个人退休帐户. 有利的一面, once you withdraw from a 罗斯爱尔兰共和军 during retirement, 这样做是免税的, as long as the funds have been held for at least 5 years. 无论你在罗斯个人退休账户中获得什么利息和资本收益,都是免税的. This means that if you earned $100 in interest and $1,000 in capital gains in a single year from money in your 罗斯爱尔兰共和军, 那一年你不需要交税,退休时提款也不需要额外交税.

In 2022, 罗斯账户的年供款限额与传统爱尔兰共和军相同, $6,每年7万美元,如果你的年龄在50岁或50岁以上,那么你的收入是1000美元。 . If you contribute to both a 罗斯爱尔兰共和军 and a 传统的爱尔兰共和军, 合并后的年度限额为6美元,000 (or $7,50岁或以上则为000美元). Note that there are also income limits for 罗斯 ira, so be sure to talk to your financial advisor to see if you qualify.

传统个人退休账户和罗斯个人退休账户的区别主要在于税收减免. Do you want tax advantages now or in the future?”

底部寿命差异 between 传统的 and 罗斯 ira

传统个人退休账户和罗斯个人退休账户的区别主要在于税收减免——你是现在还是将来想要税收优惠? If you expect to be in the same or lower tax bracket in the future, you’re probably better off with a 传统的爱尔兰共和军 that gives you tax advantages now. If you expect to be in a higher tax bracket by the time you retire, a 罗斯爱尔兰共和军 也许是最好的选择. If you’re a millennial who is decades away from retirement, you should probably be contributing to a 罗斯爱尔兰共和军.

Here’s a useful chart that can help you see the differences:

传统的爱尔兰共和军 罗斯爱尔兰共和军
传统的爱尔兰共和军 罗斯爱尔兰共和军
Annual individual max contribution 2 49年及以下,罚款6000美元
可扣除的税款 潜在的 3 No
随时提取资金? Incurs a 10% penalty before age 59½ (some exemptions from penalty, 包括首次置业, 领养或生育费, 等.) 可以,只适用于供款(在59岁半以前提取的收入将被处以10%的罚款)
供款入息限额 None, but contributor needs to have earned income 是的 4
要求的最小分布? 是的,从72岁开始 No, keep the money in your account as long as you want
提款纳税吗?? 是的, 传统的爱尔兰共和军 withdrawals taxed as regular income 不,取款是免税的5

9月 ira

简化雇员退休金爱尔兰共和军 与传统的个人退休账户类似,因为捐款是免税的, and investments grow tax-deferred until retirement. At the point of withdrawal, the money will be taxed as regular income. 9月 爱尔兰共和军的不同之处在于它最适合自由职业者, 雇员很少或没有雇员的独立承包商或小企业主. (At Patelco, we offer business accounts to sole proprietors only.)

If you’re a small business owner with employees, this plan requires equal contributions as a percentage of compensation. 例如, if you contribute 15% of your compensation to your plan, you also have to contribute 15% to each of your employees’ 计划. The contribution limits are much higher, 最高61美元,000 in 2022 (but it also can’t exceed 25% of your total compensation).

所以你应该得到 一个爱尔兰共和军?

开立个人退休账户的好处是你可以控制你的钱投资在哪里. 在你开一个之前,有几件事要考虑一下,那就是你的总体财务目标和税收影响. 获取更多关于开立个人退休账户是否是你今年最好的决定的指导, set up a free session to speak with one of one our CFS财务顾问1 在你 当地的Patelco分公司.

如果你是X一代的一员, 是否为罗斯个人退休账户提供资金取决于你的收入和其他税务考虑, 包括你是否结婚了. 如果你快退休了, 与传统的税前账户相比,向罗斯账户存钱可能没有意义,除非你退休后的税率肯定会更高.

无论你处于人生的哪个阶段, 和财务顾问谈谈,看看哪一个是最适合你的——作为Patelco的会员,你可以获得一个免费的咨询 CFS财务顾问.1

1 非存款投资产品和服务是通过CUSO Financial services, L.P. (“CFS”),一家注册经纪交易商(FINRA/SIPC成员)和SEC注册投资顾问. 透过中心提供的产品: are not NCUA/NCUSIF or otherwise federally insured, are not guarantees or obligations of the credit union, and may involve investment risk including possible loss of principal. Investment Representatives are registered through CFS. Patelco信用合作社已与CFS签订合同,为信用合作社成员提供非存款投资产品和服务.

2 Annual individual max contribution is for 2022.

3 如果您或您配偶的雇主不提供退休计划,则全额扣除. If your or your spouse’s employer offers a retirement plan, 然后,调整后的总收入决定传统爱尔兰共和军是否可以扣除,以及扣除多少.

4 单一申报者可以在修改后的调整总收入(MAGI)低于129美元的情况下全额缴纳,000, and partial contribution with a MAGI between $129,000元及144元,000. 已婚并共同缴纳的人,如果MAGI少于204美元,可以全额缴纳,000 and make partial contribution if their MAGI is greater than $204,000美元,但不到214美元,000. Any MAGI above the listed amounts cannot contribute to a 罗斯爱尔兰共和军.

5 只要你符合5年的规定和一个合格的例外, 比如59岁半或以上, 死亡, 永久性残疾, or being a first-time home buyer.


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